An effort to provide guaranteed medicine to the African people through the provisions of Medicine

Africa is suffering a lack of medicine resources, and of course there is no such thing as universal healthcare that we tend to take it for granted on. It is known to have bad access to hospitals and pharmacies due to the lack of infrastructure, even if you make it to a hospital, you are faced with problems as long waits and expensive costs. As a result, you are not able to get basic health service even if you are sick, the sickness can become more severe and worse case scenario, you could die. To improve this situation, we want to provide Japanese medicine to all of Africa, through this moto we have founded AfriMedco.
“Children could die because of a high fever”
Based on a experience by Representative Director Ms.Machii.
When working in Niger as a Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteer,
a mother in a village came up to me and asked with her child in her arms,
“My child will die because of a high fever. I need 200yen to go to the hospital.
Japanese people are rich right?”
What would if you were in my situation?
Me? I couldn't do anything.
When I came to the next village,
The boy was gone.
If I had given the money?? Was that the right thing to do??Ms. Machii has been repeating these words ever since. Ever since this incident, she has decided to establish a continual moving system to fundamentally solve and at the same time prioritize a temporarily support for a resolution of the Medical problems in Africa.
A country which about 150000 people die of diarrhea every year・Tanzania
If only… we could have provided medicine to save these lives.
Tanzania where AfriMedico is working actively, over 150000 children die of diarrheal disease and over 30000 children die of Malaria every year.
Africa is suffering a lack of medicine resources, and of course there is no such thing as universal healthcare that we tend to take it for granted on. It is known to have bad access to hospitals and pharmacies due to the lack of infrastructure, even If you make it to a hospital, you are faced with problems as long waits and expensive costs, especially private ones and no cure medicine. As a result, you are not able to get basic health service even if you are sick, the sickness can become more severe and worse case scenario, you could die.
A system where anyone can have access to health care African 「household medicine」Project
AfriMedico got a hint from the system of the [The household medicine of Toyama - Japan].We are actively trying to penetrate in modern Africa the household medicine system, which has protected Japanese health about 300 years through the Edo period to.
The Japanese 「household medicine」system has been said to have started in Toyama prefecture 300 years ago in the Edo era. The system allows the customer to keep the household medicine before any purchases then will allow them to use the necessary amount when necessary.
Then the merchant in charge will come to gather payments for the medicine used, and refill the stock again. A deferred payment system.
Bwama, a village which AfriMedico is actively working on a project, there are no hospitals, pharmacies and it is about 14km to the nearest clinic. And of course, you cannot casually call for an ambulance. The cost of calling an ambulance for them is worth their monthly wage. Agriculture being the main subject f their salaries, the system which you are allowed to pay after is ideal for them.
If household medicine were allocated in their homes and they were able to take proportional amount, we can save their lives by supporting and teaching them the self medication understanding for their health. Just putting medicine in each household is not enough. We have to teach them the difference between a disease which they can take care of by a household medicine and one which you will have to go to hospital to get it looked at. That way we can help them learn to take care of themselves and become independent.
For that, AfriMedico has not just provided household medicine, but also have built household medicine stations and consultation rooms.
To achieve the mission based on health and happiness, our journey has just begun. We would love to have your support. Aiming to become an official NPO, and we are recruiting 100 monthly supporters. Would you like to join us?